JustB offers courses that will empower you with the tools to take better control of your life and create radiant health, joyful relationships and a future with infinite possibilities. You will also become better equipped to work with others and empower yourself to create a life of your dreams. Come and be a part of this spiritual journey of the mind, body and soul!

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ThetaHealing® Basic DNA

This ThetaHealing® Basic DNA course will teach you how to find your subconscious beliefs that are limiting you from your goals, discover feelings and unresolved issues that are creating barriers within your mind..

Amout: AED 2,150.00

Game of Life

Participants in this course have experienced instant results such as increase in wealth and entrepreneurial opportunities, finding their soul mate, improvement in relationships, landing their dream job or building the perfect home..

Amout: AED 2,690.00

Dig Deeper

There are times when you must dig deeper into your own abilities and into the mind of your client to truly understand the root cause of the situation. This class will enable you to learn how to use the digging tool and will also help you to release your healer’s block..

Amout: AED 2,000.00

Access Consciousness

The day you realize that you can create everything in your life, from the good to the bad and even to the ugly, you have the capability to change anything.

Amout: AED 2,200.00

Advanced ThetaHealing® Class

In this ThetaHealing® Advanced DNA class and you will further increase your knowledge and will empower you with positive feelings that will enable you to appreciate yourself and you will know what Seventh Plane is.

Amout: AED 2,150.00

Manifesting & Abundance

This course will help you release the beliefs stored so you are truly able to manifest what it is you want in life by removing the stumbling blocks in your creation. You will learn how to dig deeper into your thoughts and clear those barriers as well as understand Divine Timing..

Amout: AED 2,000.00

World Relations

The World Relations Course is a powerful tool for removing inner and outer conflict in yourself towards others. When Beliefs that trigger present and past issues with race, religion and culture come to light, the hidden anger and resentment that go back centuries will be released..

Amout: AED 5,300.00

Intuitive Anatomy

Intuitive Anatomy will teach you how to see and heal each organ by clearing the blocked emotions stored. This is the class for the serious ThetaHealing® Practitioners who desire to become highly skilled at scanning and healing within the physical body using ThetaHealing®

Amout: AED 8,800.00

Rainbow Children For Adults (18 years & older)

Since the time of the ancients the world has waited for the extremely loving and adaptable Rainbow Children to come in with their boundless love and patience. This remarkable program will validate and enhance their spiritual development in a safe and loving environment, so they can share their own special gifts with others..

Amout: AED 4,580.00

Access Bars®

Through the Access Bars® technique, you will learn how to touch these bars to clear away the issues that are locked in them, thus allowing change in your life. Are you ready to explore the unlimited possibilities and get the results that you desire?

Amout: AED 2,200.00
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