ThetaHealing® Technique

We are all connected. We are all one and love is within all of us. Let us spread this love individually and collectively. Let’s start first with ourselves and then do our best to create the same with all the souls that cross our path through ThetaHealing®. Most importantly, let us find peace within ourselves.

Come on this journey of loving yourself and channeling your love to others by reaching out to the Creator of All That Is.

It's all about our self-worth, and what we believe we are worth receiving. The more you see the highest truth, the more the realization will hit home that you are blessed and perfect just the way you are. ThetaHealing® will help you see that, as it is designed to be a therapeutic self-help guide to develop the ability to change oneself on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually using the theta-brainwave state. It is a way of training your mind, body and spirit in such a way that it allows you to cross the barriers made in your own mind and enables you to live a life with positive energy so that you can achieve your goals and dreams.

ThetaHealing® was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 when she healed herself from cancer through simple meditation techniques, releasing self-limiting beliefs and prayer.

Our thoughts have immense powers. If you focus on your goal and direct all your energy towards it then you can achieve anything. You just need to believe you can, and remove any subconscious beliefs that block your path to wellness.

With Muneeza Labuschagne, you can learn the true power of your thoughts, words and actions and how they are constantly creating your life.

Just like a butterfly goes through a metamorphosis, turning from egg to larvae to caterpillar and finally into a beautiful butterfly, ThetaHealing® allows you to undergo this transformation. We are all beautiful, all we need to do is to truly believe it. Being a beautiful creation of the divine, we have the power to change our lives. ThetaHealing® can make it all possible for you.

What Is Theta State & Theta Brainwaves

Theta brain wave is a slow meditative state, which refers to our subconscious mind. 90% of our mind is subconscious, and only 10 % is our conscious mind. The subconscious stores memories, fears, experiences, thought forms and beliefs. It is the subconscious mind that creates our reality. In ThetaHealing® we tap into the subconscious mind and change reality instantly.

It is imperative to realize how our brain contributes to the state of our mind. Our brain waves play a key role in the outcome of our lives. The five main frequency brain waves are: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Gamma. These brain waves consistently produce waves at different frequencies. With better understanding of the brain waves, one may open the subconscious mind to create reality at will.


Beta refers to brain waves that are related to waking consciousness. It indicates a state of alertness.


These brain waves occur when you are deeply relaxed and indulging in a day dream. Alpha brain waves are also present during light meditation.


Present during deep meditation and light sleep, Theta brain waves play a major role in the REM dream state. They are a part of the subconscious mind. Sages meditate continuously for hours to achieve this state. However, with ThetaHealing®, our brain wave shifts immediately to this state through the meditation.


This frequency is the slowest one and occurs in very deep and dreamless sleep. It also occurs in transcendental meditation, where a person is completely detached. Delta is the gateway to one’s unconscious mind.


Discovered in recent times, Gamma is the fastest frequency and is associated with rapid insights and fast information processing.